Featured Listing
Featured Listing
Featured Listing

Simon Shuler
In today’s market, you don’t need a realtor, but a great one reduces risk, boosts returns, and connects you to exclusive buyers and listings. So, why me? I’m passionate about marketing, sales, and real estate. With a finance degree and coaching from the U.S.’s top real estate coach, I bring unmatched energy to every transaction.
I prioritize direct communication, weekly updates, and a data-driven approach. My mix of traditional and digital marketing ensures maximum exposure. And, if I don’t meet your expectations, you can terminate our contract with no obligation. Learn more about my listing process here or schedule an interview to see what it is that I do differently - you'll be glad you did.
Data-driven insights
Performance-based compensation
Beautiful marketing
Aggressive sales

Simon Shuler
In today’s market, you don’t need a realtor, but a great one reduces risk, boosts returns, and connects you to exclusive buyers and listings. So, why me? I’m passionate about marketing, sales, and real estate. With a finance degree and coaching from the U.S.’s top real estate coach, I bring unmatched energy to every transaction.
I prioritize direct communication, weekly updates, and a data-driven approach. My mix of traditional and digital marketing ensures maximum exposure. And, if I don’t meet your expectations, you can terminate our contract with no obligation. Learn more about my listing process here or schedule an interview to see what it is that I do differently - you'll be glad you did.
Data-driven insights
Performance-based compensation
Beautiful marketing
Aggressive sales

Simon Shuler
In today’s market, you don’t need a realtor, but a great one reduces risk, boosts returns, and connects you to exclusive buyers and listings. So, why me? I’m passionate about marketing, sales, and real estate. With a finance degree and coaching from the U.S.’s top real estate coach, I bring unmatched energy to every transaction.
I prioritize direct communication, weekly updates, and a data-driven approach. My mix of traditional and digital marketing ensures maximum exposure. And, if I don’t meet your expectations, you can terminate our contract with no obligation. Learn more about my listing process here or schedule an interview to see what it is that I do differently - you'll be glad you did.
Data-driven insights
Performance-based compensation
Beautiful marketing
Aggressive sales

Let's have a conversation
Your satisfaction is my highest priority, and I am confident that you will find my approach both refreshing and effective.

Let's have a conversation
Your satisfaction is my highest priority, and I am confident that you will find my approach both refreshing and effective.

Let's have a conversation
Your satisfaction is my highest priority, and I am confident that you will find my approach both refreshing and effective.